New 4plex test for the detection of strains of avian infectious bronchitis (IBV)
The result of research by Dr. C. A. Gagnon's team (CRIPA), the Laboratoire de Diagnostic moléculaire du Centre de diagnostic vétérinaire de l'Université de Montréal now offers a 4plex panel comprising 4 PCR tests, enabling simultaneous detection of the avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and its most prevalent strains, including the Delmarva strain (DMV), and two vaccine strains (Mass and Conn).
This 4plex approach, compared with the current strategy of sequencing two different amplicons, enables the detection of co-infections with two strains in around 30% more cases (see figure 1 below). This makes it easier to use PCR to identify the presence of vaccine strains in samples already positive for the Delmarva strain (see figure 2). This 4plex provides more information than either DMV PCR alone or IBV PCR alone, and is much faster than sequencing.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Centre de diagnostic vétérinaire.
Véronique Allard Technical and Customer Service Manager Centre de diagnostic vétérinaire Université de Montréal 450-773-8521 ext. 8670