A new approach for the thermal comfort of pigs in summer
Author : Stéphane Godbout
Summer heat events can pose significant challenges for pig farmers. Excessive heat can stress animals and negatively impact their growth. However, a team of researchers from the Research and development institute for the agri-environment (IRDA), the Centre de développement du porc du Québec, the Université Laval, the Institut national de recherche scientifique, the Maximus and the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation, has studied an innovative strategy to improve the welfare of pigs during these periods of intense heat.
The main idea was to take into consideration the pigs' feelings rather than focusing only on the ambient temperature. This approach draws on the well-known concept of the “Humidix factor” for humans, where humidity can make the temperature appear higher than it actually is. Thus, the researchers adopted the Housed Swine Heat Stress Index (HS2I), which integrates temperature, humidity and air speed to assess the actual comfort of pigs.
To implement this approach, a new automated ventilation method was studied. Instead of simply increasing fan speeds, the researchers set up a more sophisticated system using sprinklers to humidify the pigs and fans in the room to promote air circulation. The researchers developed an algorithm that controls ventilation according to the age of the animals because their thermal sensation changes with growth. This approach is similar to cooling with a mister, but adapted to the needs of pigs.
The first results of this new approach have been very encouraging, with a notable improvement in the pigs' weight gain and a reduction in their stress levels. The researchers now plan to perfect their method in order to make it even more effective in real breeding conditions.
Additionally, they plan to make this technology available to all interested breeders in the coming years. This advancement represents excellent news for the pig farming industry, providing an innovative solution to ensure animal welfare, even during periods of extreme heat.